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Reproductive Genetics Testing
Patient Resources
Cost & Billing
14 - 21 days
This test will detect chromosomal imbalance that could be associated with developmental delay/congenital anomalies. It provides detection of possible uniparental disomy of any chromosome, the percent and location of homozygosity, including the degree of identity by descent. It will also allow the detection of complete or partial molar pregnancies.
Pertinent medical findings should accompany the test request form. Please direct questions to genetic customer service at 800-345-4363.
If prior NIPT studies have been performed, include copy of the report.
There may be an additional charge for formalin positive tissue samples requiring embedding and pathology.
This SNP assay does not detect balanced rearrangements, low-level mosaicism (<10%), marker chromosomes that only contain heterochromatin or tetraploidy. Genotypes in some formalin-fixed tissues are unable to be determined, allowing only genomic dosage to be determined.
This test was developed and its performance characteristics determined by LabCorp. It has not been cleared or approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
SNP Microarray analysis is performed using the Oncoscan® FFPE platform, which uses more than 220,000 SNP probes with a median spacing of 5.0kb, within the majority of genes.
For more information, please view the literature below.
Information on collection, storage, and volume
Preferred fixed products of conception (POC), formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue
One paraffin block or ten 10-micron thick section slides
Extracted DNA from received specimen must yield at least 10 ul at a concentration of 8 ng/ul.
Paraffin block transport pouch
Room temperature
No fetal visualized on pathology report; only a small area is identified on fixed sample as fetal, and is less than 50% of sample
Specimen should be fixed in 10% neutral-buffered formalin or formaldehyde.